user research

we prepare and submit online surveys to existing or potential users. we then highlight their behaviors, needs, and pain points, and give you clear data to improve your website or app.

the survey

online surveys allow you to reach a large number of existing or potential users. a survey shouldn’t ask them what they would like to see in a product or service, as users are bad designers! a survey should focus on uncovering pain points, needs, behaviors, motivations, attitudes, and abilities.

for an effective outcome, you need to have clear understanding of what you want to find out from the survey. the questions must cover the objectives, while the answers need to provide insights that are actionable and testable. basically, for every question there should be understanding of what action will follow the answer.

based on your initial input:

  • we fine-tune the questions to avoid bias and increase effectiveness
  • we choose the appropriate question types, order, total number, and balance between open and closed questions
  • we find whether skip logic is required

for every survey we provide a report with all the results expressed in user-friendly charts to better highlight the insights gained.

user research flowchart

existing and potential users

the survey could target existing or potential users. for existing products or services you likely have a list of contacts. forward them the survey link that we provide. when targeting existing users, the survey questions could be more detailed and refer to specific aspects or features.

in the event of a new product we will use panels to find potential users for you. you will have to give us additional indications about target participants and location.

check out this example: